Hello World (again)
If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you might notice something different. I am no longer using WordPress. Instead I’m using Hugo, a static site generator. I might write a future blog post on my thoughts in using it in general and the stumbling blocks (or maybe lack thereof) I’ve encountered.
I will be migrating the posts from the WordPress instance. This might take a few weeks. I thought about using a tool to convert the pages automatically, but I’ve decided against it. A tool can’t convert the pages cleanly, and I don’t have that many blog posts anyway (one example of laziness actually having benefits ^^). Also, this will give me a good opportunity to get to know Hugos ins and outs, so it’s a good exercise nonetheless. I’m not sure whether I want to backdate the new posts or not. On the one hand I like the idea of starting with a “clean slate”, but on the other hand I don’t want to lose the information.
One thing that will definitely be lost, is the comment section. Since I never got many comments (aside from very friendly bots reminding me about the great benefits of Viagra and Cialis pills), I don’t think I lost anything. Maybe I will bring back the comment section at some point, but for now I’m not planning on it. If you really want to tell me something, just write me an email!